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By-Laws of the Drayton Valley Skating Club


The name of the Society shall be the Drayton Valley Skating Club here-in-after to be called the DVSC.



Members of DVSC shall be registered with Skate Canada and pay all fees related to that registration as set forth by the Skate Canada.

  • The purpose of the DVSC is to foster all aspects of skating and to provide instruction and practice for advancement in accordance with the rules and guideline of Skate Canada.
  • The DVSC with respect to any aspect of skating is to be run by amateurs on behalf of the amateur skaters who are duly registered as Associate Members of Skate Canada.
  • The DVSC’s duty at all times is to protect the amateur status of its members. The DVSC shall not take or omit to take any actions that would knowingly jeopardize the amateur status of its members.


Definition of the By-Laws

All members shall uphold and follow the By-Laws, Policies, Procedures and Rules of Skate Canada. All members shall adhere to the Code of Ethics, Rules and Regulations, and all By-Laws of the DVSC.

  • The By-Laws describe the organization and function of the DVSC, the classes and terms of membership in the DVSC, and the means by which amateur members of the DVSC may elect the Executive and control the property and activities of the club.
  • The Rules and Regulations of Skate Canada shall take precedence over any DVSC By-Law.
  • Any By-Law contrary to the rules of Skate Canada shall be invalid.




By-Law 1

Membership in the DVSC shall be open to all irrespective of sex, creed, profession, or race. Members of the DVSC are to be considered in good standing, must have paid such membership fees as stipulated by the Executive of the DVSC. Member who are in arrears will not be permitted to take part in any DVSC activities. If any arrears are not paid by the date set, then such member shall be considered as having terminated their membership.


By-Law 2

Fees, age limits, skating hours and skating rules shall be determine by the Executive. DVSC membership shall commence September 1, as set forth by Skate Canada, or the date the fees are paid (whichever is the latter) and terminated on the last day of Skate Canadas year (August 31).


By-Law 3

A member of the DVSC may withdraw by stating his/her intentions in writing(text/email/letter) to the President or Treasurer. Refunds of registration fees may not be given unless approved by the Executive.


By-Law 4

The Executive may by written notice (text/email/letter) terminate the DVSC membership of the member for acting contrary to the rules and regulations of Skate Canada or the DVSC. A hearing must be arranged upon the request of said member or the majority of the Executive or both.


By-Law 5

The classes of membership shall be as follows:

  • Individual Membership: Non-skating member who have paid the fees as set by the DVSC and are Associate Member of Skate Canada. Individual members of legal age of 18, shall be entitled to one vote at each Annual General Meeting and Special Meetings of the DVSC.
  • Active Membership: All eligible skaters who participate in a DVSC Skating Program and who have paid the fees as set by the DVSC and are Associate Members of Skate Canada. All Active Members of the legal age of 18 shall be entitled to one vote at each Annual General Meeting and Special Meeting of the DVSC (Underage Active Members have not vote but may be represented by Special Members)
  • Special Membership: Parents of guardians of legally underage Active Members who have paid the fees as set forth by the DVSC and are Associate Member of Skate Canada.
  • Associated Membership: Any amateur skater who has paid the fees as set forth by the DVSC, who is and Associated Member of Skate Canada, who has named another club as their home club. An Associated Member shall have no vote at the Annual General Meeting and may not hold office.



By-Law 6

The DVSC shall not be responsible for any damages, injury or loss of property to any member of the DVSC, or guest/visitor to the DVSC premises, regardless of the reason or nature of such damage, loss or injury; and further, every member, guest/visitor shall use the DVSC premises or facilities at his or her own risk.



By-Law 7

The general management of the DVSC shall be vested in an Executive consisting of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and a maximum of 8 members at large. All of the above shall be elected every year at an Annual General Meeting (as specified in By-Law 8). The members at large can include but are not limited to: Assessment Chair, Volunteer Chair, Fundraising Chair, Carnival Chair, Head Coach, Canskate Coach and Past President; all of which shall be voted in each year besides the Head Coach, Canskate Coach and Past President. Elections for each office shall take place in the order listed above.


By-Law 8

DVSC Executive is by nomination (as such that nominations are accepted by nominees), or by volunteer. Voting for Executive and in other club maters is by show of hands. If more that on member volunteers or is nominated for the same position then a secret ballot vote with a simple majority will determine the candidate.

Any Member of the Executive may be removed by a 2/3 majority vote at any Executive Meeting. Notice of Vacancies will be sent out via email, and shared on social media platforms. A date will be set to elect a new member to that position; casual vacancies occurring in the Executive will be filled by members appointed through a majority vote of the Executive.


By-Law 9

Executives shall hold office until the close of the Annual General Meeting; thereafter a “Change of

Executive” Meeting will take place to exchange all information with newly elected Executive Members.


By-Law 10

In the instance where there is a vacant Executive position and no volunteer or nomination can be found an individual may hold more than one Executive positions. This individual will still only count as one vote and will be required to complete the duties of both positions.


Duties of Officers


By-Law 11

President- The President shall act as chairman of all executive and general meetings. The President shall supervise all the teaching staff and all DVSC affairs and be an ex-official member of all committees, except the nomination committee. The President shall appoint Chairman to committees as necessary except nomination committee. The President shall prepare the agenda for all meetings and ensure that communications from Skate Canada are sent out to the rest of the Executive. The President will only vote in the instance of a tie, and is not permitted to make “motions”.

Past President- The Past President shall assist the President in any way possible to further the interest of the DVSC.

Vice President- The Vice President shall act for the President in his or her absence. The Vice President is responsible for attending ice user meetings and booking all ice required by the club. The Vice President is also responsible for coaches’ contracts. The are entitled to a vote and may make motions.

Secretary- The Secretary shall deal with correspondence related to the members of the club. The Secretary will keep minutes for all Executive and Annual General Meetings and distribute them to the Executive board. The Secretary will be responsible for emailing out information to the club members. The Secretary with a member of the coaching staff will update communications through media platforms. They are entitled to a vote and may make motions.

Treasurer- The Treasurer shall be responsible for the control of all DVSC funds and shall keep an accurate record of all transactions as are required for an audit. All monies due to the DVSC are to be deposited promptly in the DVSC accounts, as appointed by the Executive. All cheques must be signed by any two of the following: President, Secretary, Treasurer. The books shall be audited each year end and a financial statement prepared and made available to all participants at the Annual General Meeting. The Treasurer will also be responsible for the set up and continual maintaining of registration on Uplifter for each Skating Session. They will also be required to register all members of the Executive board and all DVSC Club Participants with Skate Canada annually. They are entitled to a vote and may make motions.


By-Law 12

Assessment Chair- Is the person responsible for planning the ice requirements for all Assessment days. He or she shall arrange and supervise all assessments as per Skate Canada Test Section Coordinator Manual, obtain judges for Skate Canada Assessments, keep DVSC records of assessments, prepare assessment records and forward said records to Skate Canada. They are entitled to a vote and may make motions.

Volunteer Chair- Is the person who will coordinate, arrange and manage all volunteer positions required by the club. They will be required to communicate to club members(parents) the positions and the amount of time required. They are entitled to a vote and may make motions.

Fundraising Chair-Is the person who is responsible for suggesting and implementing any fundraising activities, including organizing a committee if required. They will be required to obtain all required AGLC permits and submit all AGLC required paperwork. They are entitled to a vote and may make motions.

Carnival Chair- Is the individual that is responsible for the coordination, booking, planning and management of out annual ice show. This individual is responsible to arrange and book all facets related to the ice show, and keep record with relations to all costs and arrangements and communicate these to the Executive Board. They are entitled to a vote and may make motions.

Head Coach/ Coaches Representative- Is elected by the coaches and will present an update at meetings to the Executive of the on-ice progress of the DVSC. They are entitled to one vote on behalf of the coaches, and may make motions.


By-Law 13

A quorum of the Executive shall consist of 50% plus 1 member of the Executive, that were elected that year.


By-Law 14

The Executive members, committee members, and delegate to Skate Canada must be members in good standing of the Club, be of the legal age of 18 and be amateurs as defined by Skate Canada. All executive members must be registered as Associate Members of Skate Canada

Annual General Meeting


By-Law 15

An Annual General Meeting shall be held within 60 day of the close of the winter skating session, at which time the Executive for the following year shall be elected. A quorum for the Annual General Meeting is 15% of the eligible voting members.


By-Law 16

Notice of Annual General Meeting Shall be given 10 days in advance to each eligible voting member. The notice shall include the time and place of the meeting, the agenda, full details and any proposed amendments to the By-Laws and a list of the candidates nominated for elections for the Annual General Meeting only.


By-Law 17

Voting for DVSC elections or on any matters pertaining to skating shall be restricted to amateur DVSC members who are registered as Associated Members of Skate Canada and are of legal age of 18 and to Special Members of the DVSC voting on behalf of their children (on vote per family) who are members of the DVSC.

Special Meetings


By-Law 18

Special meeting may be held from time to time upon the request of the Executive or upon written request of 10% of the members of the DVSC. All By-Laws governing rules, and DVSC Rules and Regulations shall apply to special meetings. A quorum for a special meeting shall be 15% of the eligible voting members.

Motions & Voting


By-Law 19

Motions may be set forth in formal meetings, including general, special and annual meetings or by email representation sent to all Executive board members, except those that a motion may directly relate to.


By-Law 20

Voting on Motions must be passed by a 2/3 majority vote. Votes may be conducted in person at a meeting or by email. Individuals that are directly related to an issue may not be permitted to vote on it.  Individuals who do not respond to email votes within allocated time will be considered “nil” votes and will be counted as neither for or against the motion.


By-Law 21

Unless a motion directly adheres to an individual member there will be no names associated with the movement of a motion, as to protect the privacy of Board Members. Motions set forth by Executive Board members will be noted on meeting minutes as only “Motion Passed” or “Motion Denied”.



By-Law 22

All disbursement of DVSC funds shall be by cheque or other auditable document such as bank draft or e-transfer.


By-Law 23

A review of financial transactions and auditing of the books shall be made at the conclusion of each skating season. In accordance with the rules of Skate Canada, such auditors may be any two individuals having understanding of how books are to be audited. Theses persons do not need to be chartered accountants.

The fiscal year of the DVSC shall be July 1 to June 30.


By-Law 24

If at any time the DVSC ceases to exist, all remaining funds and assets will be donated to a charitable organization as selected by the Executive.


By-Law 25

No one member of the DVSC or member of the Executive board has the authority to borrow funds in the name of the DVSC. If it is deemed necessary by the Executive of the Club to borrow money in order to continue to operate, or to be able to set up such programs, such a transaction must be brought before a special meeting of the general membership of the DVSC.


By-Law 26

The books and records of the DVSC may be inspected by any member of the DVSC at the Annual General Meeting or at any time given reasonable notice and arranging a time satisfactory to the Executive. All members of the Executive shall at all times have access to the books and records.


Order of Business


By-Law 27

The order of business for the Annual General Meeting of the DVSC shall be as follows:

  • Minutes of the proceeding Annual General Meeting
  • President’s Report
  • Confirmation of actions taken by the Executive
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Other Reports
  • Amendments to the By-Laws
  • Election of Executive Officers
  • Appointment of Auditors
  • Unfinished Business
  • New Business




By-Law 28

The functions of the DVSC and the conduct of its members shall be governed by the regulations listed below in order or precedence;

  • Rules of Skate Canada
  • By-Laws of the DVSC
  • Robert’s Rules of Order
  • Rules and Regulation of the DVSC


By-Law 29

By-laws may be enacted or amended by a majority vote of the Executive whenever required. Such By-Law amendments must be presented at the next General Meeting for ratification, and if they fail to be ratified, said amendments will cease to be adopted and may not be re-enacted by the executive for one calendar year.


By-Law 30

Any amendments to be accepted or ratified must pass by a vote of 2/3 of those present and eligible to vote at an Annual General Meeting of the DVSC.


By-Law 31

All amendments will become effective immediately after passed unless the motioned amendments specify otherwise.