posted Jan 1, 2022, 3:43 PM
Welcome back and Happy New Year! We are on the home stretch now, and Carnival is in sight!
If you have not already, please sign up for REMIND as it is the main form of communication for the club. With the Carnival fast approaching, updates and quick reminders will be sent using Remind. Text (587) 409-3009 with the message @dvscm to sign up.
If you are not receiving our email updates, please check that you have not unsubscribed to our emails. To do this, log in to your account, and under the communications tab, make sure all three email types are clicked to YES. Also, check your junk mail to make sure they haven't been flagged.
January 18: Beach Day, Wear Your Favorite Beach Attire
February 17: Picture Day
February 21: Family Day, No Skating
February 25: Carnival Dress Rehearsal
February 26: Carnival Dress Rehearsal (*MORNING)
February 26: Carnival Main Event (*AFTERNOON)
Welcome to our Winter Canskaters!
The class will look a little different some days, no need to worry. We are working hard on preparing for the Carnival.
Please be sure that skaters are ready to go on the ice at 4:00PM (4:30PM for PreCan B class). It can distract the other skaters when the gate gets opened once class begins. We ask that parents do not remove their skaters off the ice until class ends and the coaches have let them off. If there are any concerns, the coach will wave you down to have you take your child off the ice.
Please make sure to send skaters in warm clothes and mitts that are not fuzzy, as they stick to the ice. Also, make sure skates are tightly done up and helmet it on securely.
Please make sure to bring your mitts.
If your coach has not been adequately informed about missed lessons, they will charge the relevant lesson fees. Please make sure all invoices are paid promptly. Test and assessment fees will be sent by email, and if your skater has one coming up, please make sure to submit payment ASAP.
Please attempt to sell as many raffle tickets as possible to make this fundraising effort a success!
We have extra raffle ticket booklets, so if you can sell additional raffle tickets, don't hesitate to contact Gina at 780-241-0819. The books can be picked up at Oriental Perks, but please message Gina first.
Also, a special thank you to Gina for keeping the ticket books in order.
We are doing a Purdy's Fundraiser for Easter. This one tends to sell itself! I mean, who doesn't like chocolate??
Please process all orders online and have payments in by March 13th.
If you have someone who wants to put in an order and wants to pay using cash or check, please have them pay you directly. When you log in and create a new order, you can then place the order under that person's name and make the payment through you on their behalf.
We noticed there are issues with the volunteer page not prompting parents to select a volunteer position, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Please take a moment to log in to your online account and select a position. You can do this by going to the registration page and along the left side click ADD VOLUNTEER POSITION. From there, you can scroll through and see all the positions available and additional details. To complete the registration for a position, click the name of who will volunteer and then click REGISTER.
We will be contacting all parents about their volunteer positions shortly. If you are interested in looking after the raffle table or heading up the 50/50 draw, please contact Julie Sinclair.
Please make sure you sign in/out using the QR code on the Omni 2 door and wear a mask. There are extra QR codes that you can keep with you, hanging on the bulletin board. These are regulations set forth by Skate Canada, AB Health and/or the Omniplex.
This is the brown wooden box with the letters DVFSC on it in Omni 2 beside the bulletin board. It is right above the fire extinguisher. Any papers or payments that you need to hand in can be placed in there if you are unable to hand them to Nicole.
Our executive team is a group of volunteer parents who collaborate to deliver the programs offered through the DVSC.
Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month.
Please feel free to contact us or attend a meeting if you have questions, feedback, or concerns.
Next Meeting
Curling Rink Lounge
February 3, 2022
Thank you to all the skaters, coaches, parents, and volunteers for working so hard to make this a great skating season. Also, a big thank you to all our PAs, you guys are doing fantastic.
We couldn't do this without each and every one of you!
Thank you,
DVSC Executive Team